About Lots of Lovely Art Glorious Gifts
Giving people gifts that we have made ourselves brings joy in special ways. The psychology behind it is simple: it enables people to connect!
Present giving is an ancient practice. Excavations have revealed that even cavemen gave each other gifts, be it an unusually shaped rock, a tooth from an animal, the bark from a tree, or some other item that was natural in origin. As tools were developed, gifts started to become more elaborate.
This art box celebrates the art and beauty of homemade gift-giving, with projects ranging from making clay candlesticks to painting fabric hanging embroidery hoop decorations! Ideal for encouraging children to make presents for their loved ones, be it parents, grandparents, siblings or friends!
This set includes:
A booklet introducing the theme, with information about artists, art styles and techniques.
Clear instructions on art projects, appropriate for children of any age (4+ years) to create four gifts: a papier-mâché bowl, a fabric hanging, a pencil case and a clay candle stick
Includes LoLA book recommendations for further reading.
Plenty of quality art materials for your child.
Clear instructions on projects for children of all ages, with tips for creating with little ones on each activity.
Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months – small parts. Potential choking hazards and sharp points. Do not ingest any items within the box. Adult supervision recommended.