Why we love Nanchen dolls & organic explained
Nanchen dolls are just so soft and cuddly and we jumped at the chance to add more to our growing collection. We often get asked what makes them special and why giving babies and young children organic toys makes such a difference.
Made by hand
All Nanchen dolls are lovingly made by hand using traditional doll-making processes. Each doll’s face is individually hand-painted giving them a unique personality.
Made to last
Because of the extra care that goes into making each and every Nanchen doll, they will last and get handed down to the next generation. If a doll needs some attention after years of being cherished, Nanchen have a doll-doctor who can restore them to health.
100% organic
Being organic means that the processes and materials used to make Nanchen dolls are not only safe for the environment and farm animals but safe for your babies and children.
To prove they are organic, Nanchen dolls have two German certification codes on their labels: KbT and KbA.
KbT for wool
KbT stands for Kontrollierte, Biologische Tierhaltung which in English means: controlled biological husbandry.
This is a technical term which certifies organic wool. The wool comes from sheep that grazes on soil not sprayed with pesticides.
Once the sheep have been sheared, the wool is washed with special, approved detergent.
The wool, when ready to use, is tested by a national organisation - the Institute for Market Ecology. They issue a certificate to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS).
Having the KbT mark on a toy is one of the most trustworthy indications that you and your child will not be exposed to the negative effects of chemicals that can be found in textiles.
KbA for cotton
KbA stands for Kontrolliert Biologischer Anbau which in English means: certified organic cultivation.
Farmers use organic, non-genetically modified seeds, crop rotation and no synthetic fertilisers.
Harvesting the cotton is done by hand without defoliators.
This is in contrast to most cotton which is grown using chemical fertilisers and pesticides. These are potentially dangerous for workers, and also traces of the chemicals can often be found once the cotton has been made into clothes or toys. These harmful chemicals can be the cause of allergies and eczema as well as respiratory problems.
KbA is used together with other regulations from supervisory authorities. For example, the EU regulation EEC No. 2092/91 has full controls over the entire production chain.
So, with all the care that goes into sourcing the materials and making them, I hope you can see why we are honoured to stock Nanchen dolls at Conscious Craft.
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