Beeswax Candle Decorating, easy and fun gift to make with kids
Today my 7 year old told me that he would like to make a gift for his two grandmothers for Christmas, so we decided to decorate some lovely beeswax candles we recently bought with Stockmar decorating wax. The decorating wax comes in packs of either 12 or 18 amazing colours: we especially loved the gold and silver. Using small cookie cutters as well as a blunt knife we cut out festive shapes from the coloured wax. But with younger children one could also simply tear the wax into shapes and mould with your fingers.
We started by using a tiny cookie cutter (often used to make the top of mince pies) of a star on the gold decorating wax which is very thin and easy to cut into. Once the shapes are cut, place them onto your candle and start to decorate. The warmth of your hands helps your decorating coloured wax stick to your candle surface.
You can involve the whole family from your 2 year old to your teenager. Decorating a candle is fun and easy and makes a great and unique gift.
Beeswax candles, cookie cutters and Stockmar decoration wax
Cutting a small gold star with the cookie cutter
We added holly leaves and berries.