Craft Ideas For Kids - Simple Easter Egg Decorations
Here is a selection of easy egg decorating ideas for kids. Ideal Easter craft activity for kids from age two upwards.
For a selection of natural egg dyes and egg painting kits; click here.
You will need a pack of natural egg dye, a boiled egg and rubber bands.
1 - Make up your natural dye and leave to cool. Wrap your egg with different rubber bands, leave in dye for approximately 15 mins, take out, remove rubber bands and dry. Ready to eat.
Wax resist
Using a wax crayon, draw on a boiled egg, leave in the natural dye for 15 mins and you're done.
Tissue paper egg
Cover your boiled egg in random paper tissue shapes by wetting the paper and applying it to your egg using a paint brush. Leave to dry & remove paper.
Leaf Print Egg
Wet your small leaf or flower (coriander, parsley, fennel ) and place onto your egg. Cover your egg in a pair of tights, twist the end a secure with a knot. Place into your dye for about 5 -15 mins. Remove tights and leaf careful and leave to dry.