Craft Ideas for Kids | DIY Tea Bags with Personalised Tags
We all have little things that get us through the day. Mine is tea. Not copious amounts of it, but that moment in the afternoon when I sit down for a cuppa is so precious. The last of the school runs done, recharging for dinner, bath and bed. The kids have come to respect this little ritual, and we couldn't think of anything more appropriate to give to all of the other mothers in our lives. The gift of tea.
You will need: Coffee filter papers, Shapes to cut around, Pencil, Scissors, Needle, Embroidery thread, Tea, Card/Thick paper

We are lucky enough to have a health food shop nearby where we can buy loose leaf herbal tea mixtures but, based on my own experience, mums are often grateful of a bit of caffeine, so we also bought some black tea at the supermarket.
1. Draw around the shapes you would like your tea bags to be on the coffee filter paper.
2. Cut your shapes out. If you cut carefully you can keep the filter cone intact and do both at the same time.
3. Cut a length of embroidery thread that will go all around your shape twice, knot one end of it and thread your needle.
4. Using a simple in and out running stitch, start to sew your shapes together around the outer edge. Leave a gap at the top so that you can get your tea in.
Tip: The size of your stitches will depend on how big your tea leaves are. My younger one did big stitches for the herbal tea and my older one did smaller stitches for the black tea.
5. Pop your tea into the tea bags you've just made!
6. Continue your sewing to close the bag, taking the needle through the first hole you made to complete it. (You should have enough embroidery thread left to attach a tag to).
7. And now set to work on your tags! My son, who is only just learning to write, opted for little shapes with people's names on, whereas my daughter made more traditional tag shapes with personalised notes.
8. Once you have your tags ready you can take your needle through the card and tie a knot at the other end of the thread to secure it.
9. These tea bags are so pretty as they are, I think they barely need any packaging. We will be putting ours in old jam jars, though they're also the perfect thing for popping into an envelope and posting.
Even if we can't share a cuppa with our loved ones, we can give them these to remind them that we'd love to.