Billes & Co
Who knew marbles could be quite so beautiful? Hand painted with a myriad of colour and design and arranged into different themes, each box of marbles is a work of art in itself.
Billes & Co was created by Manu and Clair, who source marbles from all over the world and add the extra magic to them in their workshop in France. The marble boxes are made with natural and recycled materials, making these an eco-friendly toy that will ignite children’s imagination and develop their fine motor skills.

const queryString = new URLSearchParams(new FormData($refs.filter_form)).toString();
let pattern = /[?&]sort_by=/;
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const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(theString);
const sorty = urlParams.get('sort_by')
newUrl = queryString + '&sort_by=' + sorty;
loading = true;
fetch('/collections/billes-co-paris?' + newUrl)
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