Your Wild Books
Brooke Davis is the author and creator of Your Wild Books. Since 2019 she has published 7 books and developed a range of card games and craft supplies that encourage children to have a deeper connection to nature. Her books can be found in more than 300 stores around the world and have sold over 45,000 copies.
Brooke’s books encourage kids aged 3-12 years to use their imagination and get creative using natural materials and items found around the home.
The affordable, plastic-free craft and play ideas in her books encourage more green time and less screen time.

const queryString = new URLSearchParams(new FormData($refs.filter_form)).toString();
let pattern = /[?&]sort_by=/;
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const sorty = urlParams.get('sort_by')
newUrl = queryString + '&sort_by=' + sorty;
loading = true;
fetch('/collections/your-wild-books?' + newUrl)
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